Mail Center
5841 North Kenmore Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60660-3754
IRS 501c3 EIN: 47-4070229
Office: (312) 274-5055
eMail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NFP Initiatives (Not-for-Profit Initiatives) is an IRS recognized 501c.3. nonprofit organization. NFPI was founded in 2008 as a centralized initiatives fund and accountability portal for donors whose goals are in alignment with our mission to develop, fund, and implement innovative initiatives for democracy elevation, education programs, and social projects to prevent violence, to preserve spiritual and mental health, and to ensure justice; and serves to foster open dialogue, understanding, and cooperation between Jewish, Christian, and Islamic factions, as well as other religious groups and atheists.
Our programs serve local and international communities, as well as a diverse range of people (regardless of gender, race, nationality, or religious denomination).
Learn more about current initiatives
NFPI's program teams collaborate to ensure the efficiency and accountability of each initiative while focusing on service, productivity, and achievement of defined program goals.
NFPI also provides program analysis and funds transparency reports to our benefactors.